The thermolysis process used to cauterize the hair follicles, creates a high speed oscillation using high frequency wireless radio waves similar to wi-fi network and microwave ovens. This creates a fast back and forth movement on a cellular level building great heat. At 27.12 mhz, enough heat is generated to cauterize tiny blood vessels and remove dead skin cells with minimal to no pain and no down time.

Spider Veins
Telangiectasias are small blood vessels that sit near the skin’s surface and widen and create visible patterns of lines. People often refer to them as spider veins. They can occur anywhere on the body or face. Properly placed thermolysis probe can tap away these lines permanently.
Red Spots
A cherry angioma is a mole-like skin growth made up of small blood vessels, or capillaries. The causes of cherry angiomas are largely unknown, though experts believe they tend to be genetic. Properly placed thermolysis probe around and within the center of these spots can reduce and remove permanently the red spots. Multiple treatments may be necessary for larger areas (greater than 1 mm dia).
Skin Tags
A skin tag is a small piece of soft, hanging skin that may have a peduncle, or stalk. In my experience most skintags begin as vellus hairs trapped under dead skin cells, that fill with sebum and or sweat, then expand the surface into a bulge that becomes its own entity. With a stronger setting and proper probes and skilled electrologist, skintags of sizes between 0 and 5mm dia can be removed with thermolysis with relative ease. The resulting skin is usually only missing the dead skin layer, allowing a fast and painless recovery.
Moles are small lesions in the skin. They come in a large variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and origins. Many items that appear as red moles actually begin the same as skin tags but spread wide instead of tall. These have a similar appearance to the content of a skin tag with sebum, fats and oils, but may also include hairs, blood supply, and at times, a nerve network.
It is out of our scope to work on moles that appear cancerous, and will always defer the patron to a dermatologist for evaluation. If a dermatologist has cleared a mole as benign or ‘harmless’, and it size is less than 5mm then we can usually provide removal services.
Mole removal using thermolysis is processed by cauterizing a boundary around the lesion in the dead skin layer, then line by line, cauterizing through the mole until it is completely removed. Any hair follicles found in the mole can easily be removed in advance with standard electrolysis cauterizing the follicle’s blood supply which is often responsible for the red appearance of these types of moles. The remaining surface contains majority of the live skin layers, with some cauterized pin-point openings. Healing time is usually 1 to 3 weeks like a typical cat scratch.